Video One
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Brief description of the video
Brief description of the video
Brief description of the video
Brief description of the video
Brief description of the video
Brief description of the video
Learn from subject matter experts who deliver insightful sessions on topics such as cybersecurity policy and governance, cyber risk management and incident handling.
Become more confident embracing your role in cyber risk oversight as a board member, executive or other leader.
Become more confident embracing your role in cyber risk oversight as a board member, executive or other leader.
Become more confident embracing your role in cyber risk oversight as a board member, executive or other leader.
Become more confident embracing your role in cyber risk oversight as a board member, executive or other leader.
Identify how to respond to a cyber incident in the real world.
Identify how to respond to a cyber incident in the real world.
Identify how to respond to a cyber incident in the real world.
Become aware of cyber risk assessments and key enterprise risk management frameworks, such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
Become aware of cyber risk assessments and key enterprise risk management frameworks, such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
Become aware of cyber risk assessments and key enterprise risk management frameworks, such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
Alma Godinez
SVP - Legal, General Councel, and Corporate SecretaryThe certification gave me a wealth of knowledge from executives that are in the public and private sector. As a cybersecurity professional and new board member of a non-profit, the certification allowed me to be introduced to a wealth of knowledge from executives from both the public and private sectors. As a woman, it gave me visibility to female executives and Board members that paved the path for me to have the opportunities I have today.
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